Laverne Macon is Cancer Free for 5 years
MCB: What was your journey like emotionally?
LaVerne: I am going to make this journey a testimony for someone else. I am not going to feel sorry for myself.
MCB: Where did you draw your strength for each “next” step?
LaVerne: God… faith… my village - Husband, Mom, children, friends.
MCB: What made you smile in the midst of it all?
LaVerne: I could put on wigs and still be cute for my husband. I did not look like I had cancer.
MCB: Were you able to celebrate the small victories?
LaVerne: Yes, with Pink Parties, theme T-shirts created and worn by my Village.
MCB: What are who surprised you the most?
LaVerne: The positive reaction, love and help from my grandkids.
LaVerne is thriving. She is cancer free and a huge community advocate which is always on display from assisting someone going to college, cancer survivors and a huge supporter of all that Making Chemo Bearable does.