Survivor Spotlight: Linda Lydia
MCB: What was your initial reaction, emotionally? LL: I found it so hard to fathom. I was relatively young at the time, and had not… Read More »Survivor Spotlight: Linda Lydia
MCB: What was your initial reaction, emotionally? LL: I found it so hard to fathom. I was relatively young at the time, and had not… Read More »Survivor Spotlight: Linda Lydia
MCB: What was your journey like emotionally? Catherine: First of all, I was not afraid. I just knew the most important thing was (to get… Read More »Survivor Spotlight: Catherine Smith
Laverne Macon is Cancer Free for 5 years MCB: What was your journey like emotionally? LaVerne: I am going to make this journey a testimony… Read More »Suvivor Spotlight: Laverne Macon